Sunday, February 24, 2013

Well, I didn't get to finish registering for school before the beginning of the year. So, I am hoping that with our tax returns I will be able to complete all the paperwork and make all the fee payments so that I can start in the fall. I keep rubbing my little Buddha's belly but it hasn't been working, so today I picked him up and rubbed his whole body, maybe that will help.

I have also started doing some minor exercises. I know that I am fat and fugly. I can't do to much about the fugly part as it is mostly genetics but I can do something about the fat part. I had done some measuring in the bedroom and noticed that with some rearranging I was able to make just enough room that I can do some exercising. I am one of those very self conscious people that doesn't feel comfortable with exercising in front of others, even at a gym. I have some exercise programs on disc, but no place to play them without running the risk of someone walking in the room. So, with the changing of the bedroom, I was able to make room not just for the exercising but for the tv and ps2 (being used as a DVD player). I have already been doing a very light workout for the past 2 weeks... simple things like leg lifts, pushups and crunches. I have about 50 lbs to lose to get to a comfortable weight. 70 if I want to get as close to my "ideal" weight as I can. I just want to fit into my size 12/14s again. So, since I have been able to successfully change our diets (I have introduced some veggies, rice, pasta and fruit into a mostly meat diet.) For the longest time our diets consisted of meat and potatoes, with corn thrown in every now and then. The first thing I added after moving was rice. Then I started mixing the veggie mix (corn, peas, carrots, green beans) in with the rice. Then substituted the rice with pasta. Also added onion, green/red peppers, garlic, ginger and such into the meat recipes. Now I have found a smoothie recipe to help integrate fruits and yogurt into the diet regularly. Next is salads and veggies that are more associated with salads (zucchini, lettuce, cauliflower, etc.). Once and if we are able to get a stand alone freezer I will incorporate more breads too. But we have limited freezer space and but ALL the meat for the month at one time. I still make sweets (cookies, brownies, hard candies). Not just cause I have a 13 year old, but because I have learned that for my diet to work I still need to incorporate the sweets that I like, just limit the amount I eat. That way I don't crave them and then overindulge when I cave into the craving. I am hoping to have lost enough weight to fit and feel comfortable in my shorts and tank tops come summer. That gives me 4 months to lose the 50 lbs. 12.5 lbs a month. I don't think it will happen. Maybe 10 lbs a month.... but we will see. I also have to be careful of my elbows... tennis elbow. Diagnosed by the doctor in my left arm. Then while trying to not use my primary arm so that it can heal, I over extended the use of my right arm causing it to get tennis elbow too. So, now I have it in both elbows. Not helpful when trying to cook, clean, wash dishes or do pushups.

Still dreaming about Montana though. Have to push those ideas back another 6 months. I know what is happening though. I think he realizes that once I get my degree, and I am ready to move, that I believe that I will be making that move alone. I don't think he could last in MT. Hell, I don't know it I would. But I do know that I would not give up after 9 months. Looking back on AZ and MN... both times we were kicked out at the 9 month mark.... both times due to something he was or was not doing. Now AZ was at a time when personal computers were still a luxury and the internet for the public was new. He had a game that kept causing Windows to do an "illegal" action. The people we were staying with took that to mean that he was doing something illegal (like selling drugs or some shit) in the internet. They didn't believe him when he said it was a problem between the Windows OS and the game he was playing, NOT something he was personally doing. So they kicked us out. MN happened cause he would spend 90% of his home time on the computer. And the times when the people we were staying with saw him on the computer he was always playing WOW. They never saw him fill out applications and such (I never did either but...) Then the one time they decide to confront him with it, he threatens them. The next day they tell us we have until the end of the week to get out. The wife of the couple told me before we left that if I wish to try moving there again without J, that they would welcome V and I in their home. So.... MT wouldn't be any different. Where ever we would be staying if things weren't going according to his ideas, he would do something to get us kicked out. What he doesn't realize.... I am not going to come back. I will sleep in the car if I had to. He can come back to WI. It's where he is most comfortable anyway. He would try to make it work, cause he thinks he has to for me. But then when it doesn't work he thinks I have to come back here for him. I can't do it anymore. Yes, I still plan on trying to buy this house.... It would be nice to have for when we are here for extended stays, and we can rent it out to friends/family while we are gone. And even if it stands empty until those times when we are here... it is still place to stay for family that need to use it. So, I know what I want to do, what I hope to do. I just don't know if I will succeed. Guess we will find out in a couple of years. Now... if my cowboys were to call, then..... weeelll... that would be a different story. I wouldn't need to wait for my degree, since I would be doing the same work that I have been doing for the past 15 years. but.... that is just a dream.... and dreams don't come true.... so.... before I get myself depressed I am going to get off here.


Thursday, February 7, 2013