Sunday, March 31, 2013

Still waiting for the seat to get fixed. I have suggested that his brother help him, but it didn't happen. I suggested that I help him, still waiting for him to let me know when. I can't drive the car til the seat is fixed, my legs aren't long enough to reach the peddles. I feel like he is trying to hinder me again. I want to get my license, he claims he wants me to too. But yet, I can't drive cause something needs to be fixed and he won't get it done. I would do it but I have no clue as to what, and where it needs to be done.

He knows, even though he won't admit it, that I am having serious thoughts about leaving him. I honestly thing that that is what is going on. He claims to want me to succeed but then does things so that I can't. Cause if I don't succeed, I can't leave him. I can't prove him wrong.... that having a degree does not automatically guarantee a job. Especially when you don't take the time to update that degree. He honestly believes that a place like Best Buy is obligated to hire him cause he took the time to get the degree in the first place.... in 1999. He hasn't taken any tests or updates for that degree since then. But he still expects them to WANT to hire him. He knows that if I get my degree, I will be able to get hired within 1 year of getting it. Why? Cause I will actively seek out work. He didn't. He thought the jobs would come to him and all he would have to do was sit there and watch the offers roll in. Yup... He is that arrogant.

I know that I will have to do a lot of footwork just to get a foot in the door, but since I am choosing a field that is everywhere I know that there would be jobs wherever I move. BIT, Biomedical Information Technology... advance medical billing and coding. I would be able to work at any medical facility that needs to charge insurance companies for services rendered. Just need to get shit together enough to pay the rest of the admin fees for school. Gotta do that soon to, so that I can have classes settled. That way I can let any job that I might be able to acquire what hours I would not be available due to class scheduling. $50, that's it, that's all I need. But there ALWAYS seems to be something more important than that. Somehow, someway... I need to find a way to get it done.

He thinks that once I start school that I won't get a job. But yet when we first moved here I was taking online classes while working part time. So I know I can do it. Had to stop cause we couldn't afford the monthly payments for me to continue taking the classes. So I had to drop out. The new classes, at a different school, are less expensive than the other ones, so my financial aid will better cover it.

Well, arm is starting to hurt to much, so... Later

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