Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Well, I have taken one road test. Failed. Instructor said my driving was fine, but I didn't check my blind spots as often as I need to to pass the test. Have the second test lined up for Friday. So, maybe I will luck out and pass it this time.

Had to weigh myself for some insurance paperwork. Have gained another 30 pounds. I should start to lose some since I am working now. Since we have to park in the back of the parking lot, it takes me 5 minutes just to get from the car to the back room where the time clock is. Since I have to do that 2-4 times a day, that is a 10-20 minute walk plus all the walking from the front of the store, where the checkouts are, to the back, where the break room is. I am also on my feet the whole time (minus the breaks) I am at work. Moving, not walking, but still moving.

Once I go permanent, I will reapply for school. Since I have an income, the hubby can't complain when I use my own money to pay for all the fees. Cause since it has been long enough I will have to repay the admission fee and most likely the background check fee. The paperwork would still be up to date so I shouldn't have to refill that out.

Still planning on moving out to Montana when I can. The license and the degree are in the forefront. But they are more possible now than they were two months ago. In fact, the license is highly probable within the month. The degree (or the start of actually) will probably wait til at the earliest January if not until the beginning of next school year.

The guys are still there. In my head. I know they are just figments of my imagination, but they keep me going. It's sad when I have to make up people to give me a reason to not give up. My children should do that for me. But the "raising" part of being a parent is done, now is the "guiding" time. Anyway...

I think it is bedtime. Have to be up in the morning. Plus the only time I truly get to be myself is when I am asleep... dreaming.


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