Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Well, I was able to almost finish registering for school. Went to an event they were having that waived all fees. So I have the application submitted, and the accuplacer tests completed. But I found out that my diploma is not a real diploma. So I have to go back and get my GED. Luckily, Walmart, where I work, will reimburse the cost of getting my GED up to $300. It doesn't include the cost of gas to get to and from the school, but it would cover the cost of the tests and any books I might need. So, I need to stick it out there, at Walmart, until I at least get my GED. I have to wait til Sept. to start that though. Cuz at the end of this month one of our monthly debt payments is done. So that will free up a little money. Plus we should be getting a bonus check in Sept. so I was thinking of using that to make the initial payments for the tests. If I can't prepay for the tests then I will have my mother-in-law hold onto the money for me. That way I know it won't get spent. Then I plan on starting actual classes for my degree in January.

I have gotten a hold of Wells Fargo to see about getting a home loan. Found out that I should be able to get a FHA loan but I would need $1715 for a down payment. We won't have that til taxed in Feb. But that is ok. It gives us time to work on our credit scores a bit more. Maybe even try to pay off a few more debts. It will definitely add to what we have already paid on the house.  As of the end of Feb (which is usually when we get our taxes back) we would have knocked the principle down by $6000. And no, that is not counted as a down payment. But if we get the loan for the amount of the full cost, we would have that extra $6000 after paying what is left of the principle to get some of the immediate things fixed up. Like the front door. What I am most concerned about to get done is the floor. Cuz at the same time we might as well get the plumbing done as we don't have a basement or even a crawl space. And in turn we would need to get the bathroom done too as the tub doesn't have a floor underneath it. I had hoped to get the "purchase and renovate" loan that Wells Fargo offers as that would give us the money needed to fix up the place. Nevermind, just rechecked that loan option and there is an FHA version of it. YEAH!

Well, been on here a bit longer than I wanted to. Trying to get Xmas gifts done as I am crocheting them. Later.

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