Monday, August 12, 2013

Starting to feel a bit better. Still a little lower than I normally am. V is with her grandparents this week. J works, and sounds like he might get OT this weekend. I got a call from KT about a possible part time job. Once they found out that I had previously worked for KT they said that they would go over my file and contact my previous supervisor and they would get a hold of me later. They didn't call back yet today though. It's only 20 hours a week, but it would pay for gas for the month. I would also still be able to do the FLE with Samhain (if I get accepted), and possibly work on getting my license.

I know I have been saying that I want to leave J for the past three years, but the chips keep falling wrong, and I can't seem to get to the point where I would feel able to stand on my own two feet. All I truly want/need to do that is a source of income and my license.

Got out of the house for the day yesterday. Boy did it feel good to be around people again. It gets annoying and frustrating when the only people I can talk to are my daughter and husband. We've been together for 15 years now... see each other day in and day out. What the hell do we have to talk about. There have been times when we will go 4-5 days without talking cause there just is nothing for us to say to each other. Nothing new happens. But yesterday was one of the two local town celebrations that V was in the parade for. (both for marching band as the two towns share a K-12 school). So I got out to spend the day with family and friends. J wasn't able to spend the whole day there as he had to work last night. So I got to enjoy the day without having to watch what I say. Got to spend the day with my sisters and the girls. Got to enjoy looking at a bunch of eye-candy. Will be getting some yarn as GG got a bunch from her mother that she won't use. Should be getting some of that this weekend. Just had a good day yesterday. Just wish it would continue.

But I will sign off for now. Later.

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