Friday, June 1, 2012

I am hoping that one of us gets a job within the month. The place across the street is going up for rent soon, and if we can get the income, we should be able to get into it. Money would be VERY tight, but at least we would be out of here.

Still trying to get into MSTC. I have the check written out and in the mail for the application fee. My transcripts from MSB are still on hold, so I won't be able to use them to waive the accuplacer tests. Kinda sucks, but oh well. I have to do something. I'm not worth anything without schooling. I can't seem to get a job at any gas station, and I have even been turned down for housekeeping at hotels. Thor says my going to school is a waste of money, but I can't make any money if no one will hire me. Something needs to give soon.

So.... still praying for Montana to come true. Probably will for the rest of my life. My dream shave a tendancy to never come true. I can't get out of the relationship now, because Fate decided that she doesn't want me to. Since the fight, Thor's dad has been cold shouldering us. And since I am married to Thor, I get lumped in with him. I just want out.

The sad thing is... my dream is so simple. Working as a live-in housekeeper at a ranch in Montana. Cost of rent, bills and food taken out of each paycheck. I just do the housework, cooking, and some small gardening, adding in other odd jobs when needed/have time. Of course, since it is a dream that will NEVER come true, I make my boss good looking and single.

It's sad how dreams diminish as you get older. My dream when I was a teenager and young adult was to be married, kids and large (1800 acres) horse breeding ranch. Then my dream turned into happily married, kids and 20 acres of land for a couple of horses and a dog kennel. Now, I want to be happily divorced, kids and working on someone elses ranch.

The only part of that dream that happened is the kids. Three I had to give up for adoption, one at home. I always wanted 5 kids, so I still have one more to have. Of the three I gave up, two have contacted me and want to be a part of the family. The third is happy where he is, so he has no need to contact me. He knows how to get in contact with me when he decides he is ready.

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