Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Well, I am not completely homeless yet. I guess we have some time before we are actually required to be out. But things are tense.

I am still waiting for a response from the school. As I though would happen, my transcripts from MSB are on hold. So I sent an email to the person I was corresponding with, asking if it would be something that would hinder my admittance. He hasn't gotten back to me yet. I figure I will wait till Friday. If I don't get anything back by then, I will send another email. He/She might be out of the office seeing as it is the end of the year. I know they have summer classes, and the office is open during the summer. I just need to get things moving so that I know what my schedule would be like.

I did some searching and there are so few places that offer BIT degrees online. I will probably do a more in depth search, since the one that I did was rushed and while I was actually concentrating on something else.

My Ultimate goal is still to get out to Montana. With or without Thor. I get the feeling it will be with though. He would have no where to go if I went without him. I just need to stop caring about being what he wants me to be, and just be me. If I feel like I need to change something, I should.... whether he wants me to or not.



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