Saturday, April 21, 2012

Did some research. Getting my license is more doable than I thought it would be. It costs less than half of what I thought it would. Thor agrees with using money from taxes to renew my permit. Then we set aside $50 for the test and license. That doesn't include any additional tests if I fail the first time and have to retake it. But the skills test doesn't cost much, only $15. So that will be easier to cover than I thought it would be.

School is also a bit closer. I had been enrolled at Minnesota School of Business. But I had to drop out due to financial issues. I just went to their site and registered at another site where they keep online access to their students' transcripts. I just hope that the fact that I had to drop out cause of money issues, which caused me to miss some payments to the school itself, that they will still send official transcripts to MSTC. Now all I need to do is talk to someone at Midstate about my choices, ideas and options. I know I am eligible for financial aide. Shit... I have been on food stamps for over three years now and unemployed for over 2 of those years. I think I qualify for financial assistance with school. I just need to either keep the loans quiet from Thor or just tell him to shut it/deal with it. We'll see how talking to the school works out. But once I know what my options are I can go to that site and request transcripts to be sent. I have an unofficial copy, but the school needs an official one. So.... as long as

Small steps, but still steps in the right direction... and done on a weekend even. I think I will try to not worry about it tomorrow. Then on Monday call Midstate. Then it is just a waiting game for the taxes to come in, so that I can pay for the permit and the admission fee for school. If all works out with schooling, I should have all the certifications that I want by 2014. (Three semesters of classes, give or take).

The job situation should start figuring itself out once the school situation is in play. With the classes I have already taken a MSB, as long as the credits transfer there are only about 2 specific classes that I need to take to drop the Associates degree  down to a certification. Once I get that certification, I will be able to state that on my resume and expand my job possibilities to include basic office work, to go along with any cashier and housekeeping jobs that I have tried for. I am sticking to the office environment though. I can't be a nurse/medical assistant due to a neglect conviction 14 years ago. So, I will stick to areas where contact with the patient only happens sporadically, if at all.

I even did a search on (job search engine) for jobs available in Montana. Most of the work is either administrative or medical. So I am aiming for those certificates. If it turns out that I have to give up my dream of moving again... then I at least have employable skills here too, in both medical and office environments.

So.... I have started down the road. Now... to just keep taking those steps to get to the end.

Just placing inspiration pieces for myself.


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