Saturday, April 28, 2012

I should probably get as much on here as I can before Thor gets home. He had a daughter things to do today. So he left at 10 this morning. I had thought all day to get something up here, but I kept getting sidetracked. So, here I am trying to type as fast as I can, so that I can get something up before he walks through the door.

Yesterday, I happened to mention that I have two years left to try to achieve my goal.... Many years ago, I said that I would be a college graduate and living in Montana by the time I was 40. Well, that's two years away now. When I mentioned that, I looked at Thor and said "Do you want to come with?" He said that he could acclimate to Montana. I don't believe him though. I mentioned that to his brother, Mathias, today. He agrees with me. He also believes that the best things that could ever happen to Thor would be for EVERYONE to "dump" him. Force him to live on his own. Make him have to rely only on himself for clothing, food, housing and living expenses (since he has ALWAYS had someone to help him whenever he was homeless). I even dropped everything to move to AZ so that he would be able to get into an apartment. I should have made him continue living in his car, then he would have been forced to do something for himself for once.

Well... on the bright side, we got our tax returns. Spent most of it already. But I got a new computer and monitor. We will get the car fixed on Monday. The registration and insurance is now paid (6 months for the latter). The storage unit is paid until August. Got V clothes and everyone hair cuts. Thor got a Sony e-reader (I had gotten a Kindle last year.) I got a wacom (art tablet for those who don't know). Once the car is fixed he will get a premium membership for one of his games for a year. And I will get some beading supplies. After that, we will be back to complaining about not having any money. I will also have til October to get some income so that I can cover the next 6 months of car insurance and to purchase my yearly membership to so that I can keep my art for sale there. I have my art posted for sale at three places:, and But, of course, no one is buying. Most of what is at Redbubble and Artflakes can be found at Deviant.

I have always been a crafty/artsy person. I just recently got the urge to try beading. I have been doing sewing since I was in high school. Cross stitch for about 5 years. Knotting (bracelets and such) since middle school. Finger weaving (best to look that one up on the internet) for about 3 years now. Drawing since I could hold a pencil. Fractal work for about 2 years. Pixel art.. well I am still learning that one, about 6 months. So now, I want to get into beading. I was able to get one of those cheap beading looms at Walmart. I like the process, I just don't like that specific loom. Bead looming/weaving would be those decorative strips of bead work that you see Native Americans use as decoration for ceremonial clothing and such. So, I am going to try to find a loom that I like then the cheap one will go to V. If she decides she doesn't like it, one of the other girls will get to use it whenever she is visiting me.

Well, I think that will be all for now. Later.

Just some inspiration for myself.

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