Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I am just sitting here thinking about not being able to find a job... would I have better luck if I were to try in a different state? And if I did, how would I move there? We tried Minneapolis, but our timing was horrible. We got there the month the recession started. We got kicked out cause the people we were staying with didn't like Hubby. I was told that if I wanted to try again, just me and Daughter, they would be willing to help out. But I don't think I could go there again. I mean, I have no problems visiting there. But that dream died when we left. Living out of Wisconsin, well that dream is still alive. I know there are some places that I will never consider moving to but there are so many other places that are available. Obviously Montana is top of the list, but there are others too. Where won't I go? New York City... no way no how. The bible belt... I am too open minded plus being Pagan doesn't mix well there. California... come on, we all know it's gonna fall off and I don't want to be there when it does. Florida... Just doesn't appeal to me. And finally Alaska... just to damn cold for me. So that leaves the Northern midwest (ND, SD, NE, KS, IA, MO, IL, IN, MI, OH) and the Mountain plains (MT, ID, WY, NV, UT, CO, NM, AZ). I'd consider the New England area and Washington state. But again... how do I go about getting there. I would want a job before I make the move. But to get the job I need to be there for interview and to find a home. So... how is it done? Anyone know? If so, tell me. So that maybe I can start moving down whatever road I am supposed to go down. I have 5 years convenience store experience, but my last employer fired me cause they accused me of theft. They haven't charged me but I believe, that whenever a place calls them for reference checks, they are telling the prospective employers that I am a thief and to not hire me. I know that is illegal, but I also can't prove that that is what they are doing. About 20 years ago, I have housekeeping experience, at a hotel. I have been a mother for just shy of 20 years. That includes the ones that I gave up for adoption since I did attempt to be a parent, I just didn't succeed. So I gave them to families that I thought would be more successful. My youngest is 13, so that counts. What experience does that give me? Well, I can cook, clean, keep my patience and I know how to handle temper tantrums and teenage angst. I have been married for 14 years to someone who has never needed to clean up after himself his whole life. It take him weeks of working up to breaking down cardboard boxes. This game be experience in even more patience when dealing with difficult people. All my cooking has always been for more than what is there. Hubby take enough to feed 3 people and Daughter has inherited his appetite. Brother also has a large appetite, so I know how to cook for many. But I have no formal training in cooking. So, I would only be able to do it in a home-like setting. Essentially, I would make a good housewife. I just want a place where I don't HAVE to do EVERYTHING because the ones that I live with are lazy. I can, and do, pull my own weight, I just hate feeling like I am the only one who does it because the video games are more important. Anyway... that's a different thing. I do have some schooling in Business Administration. Wasn't able to finish school cause I had no income. So I can prepare certain paperwork, can do basic accounting, and know how to use MS Word and Excel. I am pretty sure that putting this info here is not a good idea. It isn't like anyone who is looking for a living housekeeper will read this... but I guess hope never dies.

My dream job? Well, if I start with my BIG dream... it would be my own ranch. But that I KNOW will never happen, so working on someone elses would work. But since I have neither formal training or practical experience, I would be almost useless until I learn the ropes, especially if needed to do things outside the house that deals with the larger animals. I CAN ride, although I haven't been on a horse in 20 years. I CAN shovel shit, feed and water horses and know basic grooming and saddling of them. I have never bridled one... the place I went to wouldn't allow the students to bridle their horses due to the possible chance of ruining the mouth. I know the technicalities of it, just have never done it. Yup, I was on of those girls whose dream was horses. I just lived in an area that didn't allow them, and once my uncle agreed to let me keep it at his farm, my father thought it would use up to much of his alcohol money. So, instead of my own horse, I got 1 week of horse camp a year.

I also have wanted to start a foster home/kennel for large breed dogs. But that wouldn't be a paying job since it would be mostly volunteer work since it would be a nonprofit thing.

I also have also always wanted to do my own apothecary/magical items type thing. That is best done online, but I have no room for the garden needed to grow all the ingredients, nor do I have the income to ship in what I can't grow.

I have all these wants, needs and wishes but no outlet to even conceive of ways to bring them to fruition. Hubby has also given up on his dream. A computer business of his own, building and fixing computers. He went, and finished, school for it. But he couldn't get the alphabet behind his name (the tests that one takes to get certifications for certain programs lie C++ and such). He also hasn't kept himself up to date with classes at things with technology have progressed. Can't afford it.

Well, I think that will be it for now. Maybe more later.

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